How To Make A Automatic Sugarcane Farm With Easy Redstone

To make a automatic sugarcane farm you need one observer, one bucket of water, dirt/sand, and a piston/sticky piston.  First make a hole and put water in it, next you need to put sand/dirt, then you need to make a block next to the sand/dirt, after that you need to put a piston/sticky piston on the block, next put the observer on the piston facing the sugarcane, then put hoppers around, next make the hoppers leading to a chest and start growing your sugarcane, and last put a block behind the piston/sticky piston and put redstone on the block When the sugarcane is done growing the observer will see it and break the sugarcane then the sugarcane will fall in the hopper then the sugarcane will go in the chest.  And that is how you make an automatic sugarcane farm in Minecraft! 


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